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Fem definition, feminine See more Collins English Dictionary Complete & Unabridged 12 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co Ltd 1979, 1986Abbreviated from the word feminine, fem refers to a person on the LGBT spectrum who demonstrates behaviors that are stereotypically associated with women Most often, these behaviors are exaggerated in an effort to fetishize femininity For instance, a fem gay man might wear makeup or use animated hand gestures A fem lesbian might make a point to wear dresses or carry a purseIiyama 9P1150TATFEM: 231 × 152 × 109 mm, 481g うーん、やはりサイズや重量では決定的な差はありませんね。 また、9P1150TATFEMとマウスWN1は全くの同サイズになっていますが、この2機種はCPUなどハードウェアスペックも全く同じなので、兄弟機種いや双子機種と

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